"helping each child put the pieces together" as "the first and the lead'' Occupational Therapy clinic specializing in
Sensory Integration Therapy in Central Florida since 1993...

Sensory Integration Therapy Specialists &
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Services
in the Orlando area, Since 1993...
Your Child Can Triumph Over Sensory Processing Disorder, Achieve Success in School & Life...
and Smile with Happiness & Pride!
​If you are like many parents who join our LifeSkills family, you have found your child's behavioral, academic, and social struggles to be frustrating and overwhelming. You want the best for your child. Your child wants to accomplish tasks easily and comfortably like other kids. ​
Your child is trying (in his or her own way) to tell you, teachers, doctors, and therapists about his or her struggles, but can’t.
That’s where LifeSkills excels. We will help you deeply UNDERSTAND and truly SEE your child... shifting your focus from results to reasons. This is where our proven approach—centered around your child—creates breakthroughs for your entire family.
Are you looking for:
a peaceful home life—for your whole family?
your bright child to be happy and successful in the classroom?
your child to be able to sit at the dinner table or a desk for an appropriate amount of time?
your child to have a friend...be a friend...and easily interact with peers?
The LifeSkills team, specializing in Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), is known for:
life-changing breakthroughs
positively impacting family life
outstanding Sensory Integration Therapy, not just rice and beans or moving on a swing
effective treatment that your child loves
accurate interpretation of behavior problems, hyperactivity, and overload
evaluations that identify the core problems
a welcoming setting in Winter Park for parents to learn about Sensory ProcessingDisorders and powerful techniques they can use at home
Sensory Integration 101
"a better understanding of your child from the
LifeSkills Sensory Integration perspective..."
''put this webinar on your calendar and share with others''

Join us for an Informational Session on Sensory Integration!
Our monthly informational session about Sensory Integration is every first Wednesday of each month at 12:00 pm. So grab your lunches and come join us virtually!
​Led by our highly experienced Occupational Therapist and Clinical Coordinator, this session will provide an in-depth understanding of what Sensory Integration is and how it may present in a child. During the session, she will explain the key aspects of Sensory Integration, common signs to look out for, and how therapy can help. You'll also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
To join us and learn more about Sensory Integration or about our clinic call or email us to be added to the list!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Feel Free to Share this session with your friends!